Upcoming Events

Pro-Am Duplicate Pairs at the Bridge Centre: 3 August

SAWBA interprovincials: online 16/17 August

WC Pairs: 24/25 August

Mixed Teams tournament will be run instead of Interclub this year  - this will take place on BBO (monitored at a bridge centre) on 8 / 9 / 10 November

SAWBA online: 19 - 25 November

Cape Town Festival of Bridge: 14-16 December

The Personal Trust Sunday Pairs, followed by lunch, will take place on the following dates: 11th August; 29th September; 27th October; and 1st December. Starting time is 10am. WhatsApp Shirley Phillips on 072-6734248.

On our Clubs page you will find details of online and face to face sessions being organized each week by affiliated clubs



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