Slides, Handouts and Recordings

You can download the slides from Sven-Ake Bjerregaard's lecture on raising partner's major in either Powerpoint or PDF format and you can view a recording of the lecture here.

Please click here to access the video recording of Craig Gower's lecture on when and when not to cover.

Please click here to download the slides from Hennie Fick's lecture on Hand Evaluation. Hennie is a Joburg based bridge teacher ([email protected]).

Please click here to download the notes and click here to view a video recording of Jeff Sapire's lecture on opening 2C bids and responses. Jeff Sapire's online bridge coaching/lessons include daily classes for beginners to advanced (and better), as well as Zoom Workshops on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can contact Jeff: on: 0825512526 or email [email protected].

Please click on the links to download the slides and the notes from Sven Bjerregaard's fascinating 24th July lecture on slam bidding. You can view the recording here; NOTE because some attendees did not mute their mikes, there is a lot of interference before the guilty party could be silenced after which the recording is fine.

You can view the recording of Craig Gower's lecture on leading here.

You can download the slides from Bernard Donde's 15th May 2022 lecture on Balancing by clicking here.

You can click here to access the slides from Chris Bosenberg's March and April lecture on doubles.

On 13th February Sven-Aka Bjerregaard ran a workshop on Signalling and Carding. You can click here to view the slides.

On 16th January 2022, Glen Holman ran a workshop on the Law of Total Tricks and its application in two situations. You can click on this link to access a copy of the Powerpoint Slides.

On 5th December 2021, Carol Stanton ran a workshop on Checkback Stayman, New Minor Forcing and 2 Way Checkback Stayman. You can click on these links to access the Powerpoint slides.

On 17th October 2021, Glen Holman gave a fascinating talk on Lebensohl and Good / Bad 2NT. You can download the slides here.

On 26th September 2021 Carol Stanton gave a workshop entitled What to do if opponents interfere over your 1NT opening (Lebensohl).You can click on these links to access the course notes, the Powerpoint slides (this is a very large file).

On 5th September 2021, Carol Stanton gave a Zoom lecture entitled Overcalling when Opponents bid 1NT. You can click on these links to access the course notes and the Powerpoint slides.

These workshops are sponsored by Personal Trust.


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Personal Trust Monthly Bridge Lectures


 Personal Trust is the sponsor of the WCBU's monthly free bridge lecture for intermediate to advanced players - from around Souh Africa and not just in the Western Cape.

Slides and handouts from these lectures can be found on this page as well as links, where we have them, to recordings stored on YouTube.

Note that Zoom limits the number of attendees at any lecture to 100.

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